Our Mission Statement:
The mission of St. Peter’s Youth Group is to G.R.O.W. Sounds simple right? Let’s walk through what G.R.O.W. means and how it will manifest itself in St. Peter’s Youth Group.
G-Gain knowledge.
Youth group should be a place where students come to learn. It’s important for them to gain knowledge from the Bible and use that knowledge in their day-to-day lives. Not only is knowledge from the Bible important, but it is also important that they have knowledge of the cultural things happening around them and be able to apply Biblical concepts to them. No matter what they are gaining knowledge about, whatever they learn should be a helpful tool to take into the world.
R- Resist temptation.
Every day these students are up against something-whether it be drugs, alcohol, sex, peer pressure, the need to fit in- you name it, they have temptation all around them. Applying the Biblical principles from the “G” aspect of G.R.O.W. will help them to resist temptation and seek Christ first.
O- Openly share your faith.
As students are gaining knowledge and growing in their relationship with Christ, we are to encourage them to openly share their faith. This can be a very difficult task for some because they are tempted to walk with the crowd and not walk in the ways of Jesus. It is important to teach them that being a disciple of Christ, while sometimes difficult, is what Christ calls us to. The Holy Spirit may guide us into some uncomfortable positions, but He will always see us through to the end. While sharing our faith can be risky, it is important in our faith journey as believers.
W- Walk together.
It is important for these students to know that they are not alone! When we walk together, student with student, leader with student, leader with leader, we are a force that cannot be reckoned with. As Jesus states in Matthew 18:20, “For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them.” (NIV) We are to encourage these students to walk with each other on this faith journey and to see each other through. We also need to open our arms and let them know we are available to walk with them throughout all the joys and sorrows life brings.